As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

Reception Class Page 2024-2025

Reception Class Topics and Activities 24-25
Welcome to Reception!
Watch this space for updates on topic overviews and activities children have enjoyed taking part in throughout the year!
Year 6 Buddies
This week Reception have enjoyed meeting their Y6 buddies for the first time. They had great fun in the classroom sharing a story together before going into the hall to learn the ropes about lunchtime at Shelford. Many have then continued to enjoy playing and exploring with their buddies during lunch play in the big playground. We look forward to sharing lots more experiences together throughout the year!
Settling in
We are very proud of the way our new Reception children have settled into school so quickly, well done! Everyone has been hard at work exploring all the different areas of our classroom, having fun playing indoors and out, with the animals, water channels, mud kitchen, marble run, home corner, cars, building blocks, climbing frame and much much more!!!
Take a look below at some of the fun they had getting to know each other during their first few days at school.