As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.


In line with our vision, we aim to live and work in harmony. As part of this, it is really important to us that families are both well-informed about the life of the school and that families feel they can approach us in a way that achieves the desired outcome. 
The Flow Chart below, should help direct your communication in the best possible manner:
In short,
Urgent communication - via the office: tel. 01223 843107; email:
Non-urgent, class specific communication - to class emails
Other Forms of Communication:
We send a weekly newsletter on Wednesdays by email. These are also available on the school website in the News section.
Through liaison with the PTA, Classlist is sometimes used by Class Reps to communicate messages and reminders. There can also sometimes be school-wide communication through this route.