As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.


There are many ways to support your child at home.
  • Share books with your child.
    • Your child will bring home a book bag containing one or two books for them to read to you.  Please find time to do this every day, even with older children who have become fluent. Reading aloud is a skill that they need not to lose. Talk about the story, the characters and the plot. Ask about why characters act as they do, ask your child to give reasons for their opinions. All of this will help them to become confident in explaining their thinking and will help them to be confident to do this in school.
    • Read to your child even when they are competent readers. Talk about the story, ask them to predict outcomes, explain the context, etc.
  • Discuss your child's optional homework tasks with them. Talk about the tasks that have been offered and how they link to classroom learning. Encourage them to complete the tasks to their best of their ability, homework should be your child's own work as far as possible. It may be useful to break down tasks into smaller more manageable 'chunks' rather than try to complete all them in one go. This is especially the case with younger children.
  • Starz+:
    • Your child's class teacher will occasionally set homework/learning tasks through the Starz+ learning platform. We would encourage you to explore your child's class pages together with them.
  • Useful links to support your children:
Kidsmart: Useful information about E-safety for parents
Thinkuknow: Another excellent E-safety resource
BBC education: Games and activities from across the curriculum for all ages
Topmarks: An excellent educational activity search engine
ICT games: A wide variety of Literacy and Numeracy games - well worth exploring!