As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.


The Science Curriculum
The whole experience of SCIENCE is in line with our vision. In particular, this is evident in how the whole school community is involved in Science Teaching and Learning events such as British Science Week, as well as the way our Science ‘principles’ are put into ‘action’ through ‘continuous’, ‘engaging’ and ‘practical’ collaborative science activities. Pupils work together to answer scientific questions posed by themselves and others and staff actively seek out opportunities to attend CPD to develop their own teaching and learning.
Science Big Ideas
The 5 big ideas in Science relate to the 5 Enquiry Types which can be used to describe 5 different ways of finding answers to scientific questions. These are the unifying threads that run through all topics and all year groups. Over the course of an academic year, pupils carry out several investigations which involve different types of enquiry. These are:
Observing over time - Observing changes that occur over a period of time ranging from minutes to months
Pattern Seeking - Identifying patterns and looking for relationships in enquiries where variables are difficult to control
Identifying and Classifying - Making observations to name, sort and organise items
Comparative and Fair Testing - Changing one variable to see its effect on another, whilst keeping all others the same
Research - Using secondary sources of information to answer scientific questions
Shelford Science Principles
The children, staff, parents and governors at Great and Little Shelford CofE Primary School worked together to develop a set of principles to guide our vision for science at school. We believe that Science Teaching and Learning should be: 


Our VISION is for Science to be happening everywhere; at home and at school, across all ages, all children and all subjects. 

We aim to enthuse pupils, staff and parents alike with activities involved around discovering the world that we live in and encourage a 'hands on' approach to science following the children's own interests and ideas.

Children in the school were involved in a competition to design a logo to communicate our vision, the winner of which can be seen below. 

"Science does not tell us everything that we want to know about life, or all we need to know. But it does provide us with the most robust information about the way the universe works that has so far become available to us.
Colin Tudge, Science Writer
"Science is valuable because it meshes with all our lives and allows us to channel and use our spontaneous curiosity." 
Professor Susan Greenfield
"Studying science teaches us to be good at analysis and helps us to make complex things simple.
It trains minds in a way that industry prizes." 
Brendan O'Neill, ICI PLC
Science Teaching and Learning at Great and Little Shelford
Please see below for some examples of recent science teaching and learning opportunities which staff and pupils at Great and Little Shelford have enjoyed.
Images coming soon!
Shelford Science Week
Each year staff and pupils at Shelford School enjoy taking part in a variety of activities to celebrate Shelford Science Week. Inspiration is taken from British Science Week alongside regular workshops and events, visitors in and trips out.
Take a look below at some of the exciting events that we have enjoyed taking part in. 
Images coming soon
Science Fair
Pupils at Shelford had great fun taking part in a 'Science Fair', show-casing experiments they have have created and investigated themselves.
Stem Ambassadors
At Shelford school, we are very pleased to have benefited from working with a range of STEM ambassadors who have visited the children in school.
DNA Animation
Please click on the image below to view a video animation which was made in collaboration with Year 5 and Year 6 pupils at Great and little Shelford school and our Stem Ambassadors at the Wellcome Trust.
This animation explains what DNA does in our bodies and how it makes us the unique individuals we are.
'Meet a Scientist' Assemblies
Shelford children have enjoyed a variety of whole school 'Meet a Scientist' assemblies delivered by a range of parents who work within a diverse range of scientific disciplines, including a neuroscientist, an optometrist, a molecular biologist and more!!
Wellcome Trust Workshops
Stem ambassadors from the Wellcome Trust have worked with the children to engage them in activities such as extracting the DNA from a strawberry (!) and using science to solve 'crime scene investigations'.
Mundipharma Workshops
In previous years, all year groups have enjoyed workshops in school delivered by Mundipharma to develop their understanding in a range of topics from skeletons to digestion and even the science involved in making bath bombs.