As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

Current Campaigns

Thanks to everyone who has supported the PTA in this exceptional year. As we haven't been able to fundraise in the normal way please see below for details of how you can help our current campaigns.

To find out what we are fundraising for and how to donate, click here

Equipment Fundraiser!

We are working towards raising £4,000 to help fund additional resources and equipment for next year. While the school has dedicated budgets for each subject area (Maths, English, etc.) these are very limited - often to a few hundred pounds each. The budgets have to be used to ensure the school has the basics needed to teach each subject across the whole school. That means there is very little leftover to fund additional equipment and resources to enrich the teaching of these subjects and make it as fun and interactive as possible for the children.

While COVID means that the PTA still can't plan any face to face fundraising events we have launched a Just Giving page to raise £4,000 to boost the subject area budgets. This will be used to buy things like cooking ingredients, extra maths equipment, experiences and visits, and materials for science experiments.

So whether you're a former French fanatic, an English enthusiast or ga-ga for Geography, please do donate to our Subject Fundraiser via our Just Giving page. Every donation, whether big or small, will really help make our children's learning experience even better.

You can donate here.

Thank you

Shelford School PTA

School Book Wishlist
The PTA has an Amazon Wishlist full of book ideas suggested by the teachers. It’s a low effort, great way to support the school. If you buy from the list the book will be sent straight to the school and your children could be reading it next term! All books very gratefully received. There is no obligation to buy from Amazon - If you’d rather buy a book from the list elsewhere and have it posted/delivered to the school it would be equally welcome. Don't forget to shop through AmazonSmile to raise money for the school at the same time, and even go through EasyFundraising!