As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

PTA Roles

PTA Committee

The PTA is a charity and is run by a Committee of Trustees.  The Committee must have at least a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary in post to be able to hold events and raise money for the school.  For the PTA to function well, the Committee also needs General Members to help make decisions and support fundraising activities.

We hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every October to review the previous year's activities and finances and to elect the PTA Committee for the year ahead. 

Who are we?

The 2020-21 PTA team has been led for the past 2 years by Hannah Mohamad, who will have children in Reception and Year 3 in September. Rachel Bousfield, outgoing Secretary, has a child moving up to Year 1 and Ilse Patterson, current Treasurer has a child moving up to Year 4 in September. With the wider members we have representation from families with children in almost all year groups, Some members have several years of experience, and others joined at the 2020 Annual General Meeting!  

Would you like to join the PTA?

After a successful year of (online) fundraising the PTA is thinking ahead to next year. We're looking for new members to join the PTA committee to help raise much needed funds to enrich and support school activities. 
We're also looking for a new Chair (or co-chairs if you feel like taking it on with a friend!) and Secretary to help lead the PTA. The Chair leads PTA meetings. is the point of contact for the school and others, and helps set the direction of PTA activities. The Secretary writes the agenda and minutes for half-termly meetings and helps with other admin tasks. Neither role is responsible for arranging or leading all fundraising, which is agreed and shared by the committee.
It will be up to the new PTA committee to decide how much or how little fundraising to do, and to decide which events or online fundraisers they want to organise. There is no expectation at all - any money raised by the PTA is much appreciated by the school.
Joining the PTA is a great way to meet new people, get involved with the school and community, learn new skills and have fun with other parents. So if you'd like to find out more about PTA and/or the Chair and Secretary roles please do get in touch for an informal chat. As Chair or Secretary you'd get a full handover and the support of the existing committee to help you settle in.
The PTA will also be meeting for end of term drinks on Tuesday 13 July at 8pm (location TBC). Please do join us if you'd like to meet the current committee or find out more, or email the outgoing Chair at and outgoing Secretary at
PTA job descriptions:
  • Chair – (1 year post) Setting agendas and chairing half termly committee meetings, liaising with the Headteacher, Office, School Staff, Governors and local community, managing PTA finances (with Treasurer), managing the PTA email account, keeping PTA members updated newsletter, coordinating event publicity, ensuring events are appropriately managed and risk assessed. 
  • Secretary – (1 year post) Taking and circulating minutes of committee meetings, reporting on Secretary's activities at each meeting, updating the Charity Commission, managing GDPR requirements, updating PTA website and Classlist, maintaining PTA files, supporting events as needed e.g. publicity.
  • Treasurer – (2 year post) managing PTA finances including paying invoices and expenses, organising floats for events, producing reports for meetings and annually for the Charity Commission.
  • General members – attending half termly meetings, supporting/leading events, selling tickets, organising publicity materials, organising refreshments, rotas etc

Becoming a Charity Trustee

All Committee members are also Trustees of the PTA Charity and will be asked to sign a Trustee Declaration.  For more information and to check your eligibility to be a Trustee please see Charity Trustee: What's involved.

Year/Class Reps

Becoming a Year Rep is a great way to be involved with the PTA and your class.  Each year have (usually two) Reps who keep their class updated with PTA activities and coordinate any class efforts for PTA events e.g. stalls at the Fairs, Rainbow Hamper and Cake at the Gate, though lately it's been more electronic because of the pandemic.   

In non-Covid times, Reps help to organise rotas of volunteers for reading and baking throughout the year, and swimming in the summer. Reps also pass on messages for the teacher and school if needed.

Reps are usually decided towards the end of the summer term, so if you are interested in volunteering as a Rep for 2021-22, chat to your current Reps to find out more!