As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.



The whole experience of PSHE is in line with our vision. In particular, this is evident in our sense of community and the way our pupils and staff interact, our tolerance and respect for others and our knowledge of how to take steps to ensure our personal safety.


The 5 big ideas in PSHE are:


My Friendships- how to be a good friend to others and know some ways to resolve conflict in friendships, to be able to describe the key characteristics of bullying and how to be assertive in response.


My Health- to know how eating a balanced diet, being active and sleeping all contribute to a healthy lifestyle, to know strategies that might improve our mental health


My Body - The NSPCC PANTS rule, be able to identify the sort of physical contact we feel comfortable with and how to report unwanted or unsafe physical contact, ways in which medicines are used, the effects of legal drugs alcohol and nicotine on the body, to recognise the reasons why some people misuse drugs, naming internal and external parts of the body, sex and relationships education


My Safety- how to stay safe online, recognising early warning signs that might show we are not feeling safe, identifying trusted adults in our network of support, safety near roads and water, sun safety, safety in the home


My Community- to recognise difference and respect diversity, to challenge stereotypes, be able to describe aspects of their identity, and to recognise similarities and differences between ourselves and others, know about groups and communities that exist locally, and the roles some people play in the community.

PSHE Content
At Great and Little Shelford, we follow a programme of units devised by the Cambridgeshire PSHE service to which we are a subscribing school. For year 1 - 6 . we revisit key themes every two years.
Years 1,3 and 5 look at Beginning and Belonging, Family and Friends, Personal Safety, Diversity and Communities and Managing Change.
Year 2, 4 and 6 look at Rights, Rules and Responsibilities, My Emotions, Managing Safety and Risk, Working Together and Healthy Lifestyles.
In addition to these, all year groups cover Anti- bullying, Digital Lifestyles, Drug Education and SRE.
PSHE Content
As part of our ongoing efforts to make the PSHE curriculum available to parents, we are intending to give a more detailed description of what is covered by each year group. We will be adding to this page with descriptions of what is taught in each term for each year group with references to picture books used. 
Friendship Week 2022
The theme for this year's anti-bullying alliance week is 'Reach Out'.
The PTA have very generously enabled the whole school to watch a performance or take part in a workshop on this theme. We saw how the friendship of puppets Millie and Philip changed and how they were able to sort out their problems.
Here are the thoughts of some of our children about the importance of PSHE.
"You do a lot of thinking. It helps you in real life. It can help you with what to say and what to do." Year 5
"It's important to learn about feelings as we need to make people happy." Reception child
"If you fell out with a friend its quite good to calm down and then you get friends again." Year 1 child
"I enjoy the problem solving. It reflects real life if it ever happens to you." Year 6 child
"It helps you keep safe." Year 3 child