As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.


Welcome to Great and Little Shelford Primary School, we are really proud of our school.

As a Governing Board we are a strong team with a range of business and educational experience.  We work alongside the school’s senior leadership team to create and deliver clear, ambitious vision and strategy for school improvement.  We ensure that the legal obligations of the school are fulfilled and we provide accountability and oversight; making sure that money is well spent and that each member of the learning community achieves their potential.

There is a total of 14 seats on the Governing board: 8 foundation governors, 2 parent governors, 1 staff governor, 1 LA governor, 1 Co-opted governor and the Headteacher. Foundation Governors have a specific legal duty to preserve and develop the Christian character of the school within the vision and values of the Diocese of Ely.  The information below gives a brief description of the background and skills of our current Governing board.

Designed to support children of the school, the Shelford School Support Fund (SSSF) is a charitable fund held and administered by the Governing Board.  It is separate from school finances and from the PTA.  Over the years, many pupils have been supported through this, both individuals and groups.  Sometimes we have been able to pay for refurbishments to parts of the school that improve the learning environment, other times we have been able to finance individual pupils' access to key educational experiences like trips or visits which they otherwise wouldn't have been able to attend.  We have also purchased gifts to thank volunteers who have made significant contributions to the life and learning of the pupils at Shelford School.

For more information about the fund, including on how to donate, please see our donations page

Our Current Structure and Chairs:

Full Governing Board - Chair: Anna Caroe; Vice-Chair: Douglas Leckie

Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee - Chair: Peter Ede

Treasurer of the Shelford School Support Fund (SSSF) - Polly Stanton 


All communications with the Governing Board should be sent via the school office and marked 'for the attention of the Chair of Governors'.

The clerk to Governors may be copied in : (working hours Mon-Wed mornings)


Chris Grey



First appointed: 1.9.18

Entitled to sit and vote on all committees 

I am the Headteacher at Shelford and have served on the Board of Governors since 2018.

Since 2009, I have taught in several other settings, fulfilling a range of Senior Leadership roles: including Acting Headteacher and Head of School.

Since my childhood, I aspired to teach. I attended the University of Newcastle and read Linguistics. Following this, I studied at the University of Cambridge, completing a PGCE and a Master of Education.

My strategic areas of specialism are safeguarding; research; standards; coaching and excellence in leadership. With respect to the school curriculum, my specialisms are English; maths; music; art; modern foreign languages and computing.

Anna Caroe

Chair of Governors 

Foundation Governor appointed by Great Shelford P.C.C. 

First appointed: 2015

Current Tenure:1.9.23-31.8.24

Committees: Admissions, Data Panel, Finance and Premises

Specific responsibilities: SEND link, Pupil Premium link, Link for Children in (and previously in) Care, Governor Training

My first connection with Shelford School was in 2006 when I joined the teaching staff.  I then took some years away from the classroom while my children were young and all 3 have been (or still are) pupils here.  

I have recently taught in primary schools with leadership for pupils' learning behaviours, emotional literacy and a specialism in mathematics.  I have also been involved in developing global citizenship and achieving the International Schools Award at two schools.  I hold a Masters degree in Educational Leadership and School Improvement from the University of Cambridge.  I now work for Cambridgeshire County Council Governor Services as a Governance Advisor.

As part of City Church Cambridge family for over 20 years, I regularly lead Sunday services there.   

Douglas Leckie

Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor appointed by Diocese of Ely through All Saints' Church, Little Shelford

First appointed: 23.03.23

Current Tenure: 23rd March 2023 - 22nd March 2027

Committees: Finance and Premises Committee; Headteacher's Appraisal Panel

Subject Links: History and Geography

I am a civil servant at the Department for Education.  I have worked on the academies programme since 2016, and currently have responsibility for the department for Children's Social Care and SEND services across the East of England.  Before joining the civil service I was a secondary school teacher of History and Theology for eight years in various schools around England.

My wife, five children and I moved to Little Shelford from Trumpington in July 2021.  We are actively involved at All Saints church. I currently have three children at Shelford School, and have been a foundation governor since September 2022.


Peter Ede 

Co-opted Governor

First appointed: 2010

Current tenure: 2.8.23-1.8.27

Committees: Finance and Premises; Headteacher's Appraisal

Subject Link: Computing and Digital Leaders 

I am a Chartered Engineer working for Mott MacDonald, a specialist hydrologist primarily working on water resources projects. I am based in Cambridge but have worked in nearly 30 countries. I also have a Diploma in Financial Management and am a trustee of the company’s pension scheme. 

My three children attended Shelford School between 1999 and 2015. I have been a governor since 2010, initially as a parent governor, and Chair of Governors from 2013 to 2020.

Polly Stanton

Foundation Governor appointed by Ely Diocesan Board of Education

First appointed: 1986

Current Tenure: 2.12.22-1.12.26

Committees: Admissions, Data Panel, Finance and Premises, Pay Review

Subject link: Maths, Assessment

Specific responsibilities: Treasurer of the Shelford School Support Fund

My background is secondary school maths teaching and I still do some private tuition.  I also have financial and administrative experience.  I was a member of the Diocesan Board of Education for a number of years and represented the diocese on the Local Authority Admissions Forum and Education Committee.

I have recently stepped down as Chair of the Local Governing Body of Sawston Village College but remain a governor, having served as such since 1993.  

Our 4 children all attended Shelford School.  I began helping in classes in 1983 and continue to do so.  I joined the governing body in 1986, initially as a parent governor.

I am involved in numerous areas of church life at All Saints, Little Shelford including the Wednesday morning Tots group which takes place in Little Shelford Village Hall. 

I also support the Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative in a number of ways.

Liz Jenkin

Local Authority Governor

First appointed: 2012

Current tenure: 1.9.21-31.8.25

Specific responsibilities: Named Safeguarding Governor, SEND, Safeguarding.

Subject link: English, Music


I taught in local village primary schools for twenty five years, the last ten as a headteacher. In addition to literacy, I also have considerable expertise in RE, PSHE and Music. I now work part time as a tutor on the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education’s Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education course.

I am an Elder at Great Shelford Free Church with oversight for safeguarding and worship, and regularly volunteer in Cara Coffee. I am chair of trustees for GenR8, presenting Christianity in primary schools. Two of my grandchildren attend or have attended Shelford school, and I have served ten of my twenty six years as a governor here.

The Rev. Simon Scott

Foundation Governor (Ex officio)

First appointed: 2005

Current Tenure: ongoing

Subject links: Internationalism, MFL

As Rector or minister of All Saints Little Shelford, I have been ex officio on the school Governing Body for 14 years. I have the pleasure of seeing a number of the school's parents and children outside school hours each week on a Sunday. 

I have a degree in languages and an interest in that side of the curriculum and I have experience of a number of different boards over the years. 

My own children attended the school in the past.

Amy Beck

Staff Governor

First Appointed: Sept 2022

Current tenure: 1.9.22-31.8.26


I have taught Year 1 at Shelford School since 2012 and am subject leader for Early Reading/Phonics and PE.

I completed a B.Ed. in Primary Education at the University of Bedfordshire, specialising in PE and Early Years. Prior to joining Shelford School I taught a Reception class in another Cambridgeshire school.

Rev. Dr. Julie Norris

Ex-Officio Governor - Incumbent at St. Mary's Church, Great Shelford

First appointed 2022

Current Tenure: ongoing

Subject link: RE



I am the Vicar of St Mary the Virgin Church, Great Shelford. In this capacity, I lead Collective Worship in School.

Within the Diocese of Ely, I am the Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry. In this capacity, I am engaged in training adults to undertake a variety of different roles in Churches in Ely Diocese.   I am particularly interested in making courses accessible to people from a range of educational experiences.

I am a new Governor with some previous experience after a lengthy gap.  However, I have been engaged in leading activities in various local primary schools as a Parish Priest for many years. I enjoy gardening, swimming, painting, writing poetry.

My links with the school are through my role as Vicar, and this is a responsibility which I will undertake as a privilege.

Alice Walker

Foundation Governor appointed by St. Mary's P.C.C (Great Shelford)

Frist appointed: 2022

Current tenure: 17/11/22 - 16/11/26

Committees: Admissions

Subject Links: PSHCE; EYFS

I work for a large educational publisher as an Educational Content Writer where the content I write is focused on promoting wellbeing and positive mental health for primary aged children. This is a particular passion of mine. I have a professional interest in supporting children to understand their feelings and emotions and to learn strategies to help us process and respond to these. I am also interested in how promoting active, responsible citizenship through education supports positive mental wellbeing and helps children to feel engaged and enthused.
As a trained primary school teacher, I have almost 10 years experience teaching in a large primary school in London where I was Music and Performance Lead as well as phase leader for different key stages across the school. 
My two children attend the school and we live in Great Shelford. With my family, I regularly attend St Mary's church in Great Shelford. I regularly volunteer to help with reading and other activities in the school.
I have been a Foundation Governor since September 2022.

Hannah Mohamad

Parent Governor

First appointed: 1 Sept 2024

Current Tenure: 1/9/24 - 31/8/28

Committees: FPP

Subject Links: Art

I have always had an interest in education. I studied French at the University of Birmingham, during which time I worked as an English Language tutor and volunteered in a local primary school. 
My background is in public relations and communications in the public sector. Having previously worked in various local authorities I now work at Addenbrooke's Hospital. Part of my current role involves engaging and building relationships with stakeholders, including staff and patients. 
I have two children at Shelford School and have been a regular volunteer since my son joined in Reception, helping with reading, enrichment activities and school trips. I have also been involved as a Class Rep. and as an active member of the PTA , including two years during which I was Chair.

Clare Mellor

Parent Governor

First appointed: 2022

Current Tenure: 23/11/22 - 22/11/26

Committees: FPP

Subject Links: PE, English

Specific responsibilities: School Council and PTA Link


 I studied English at the University of Cambridge after which I completed my PGCE.  I worked as a secondary school English teacher for a number of years before becoming Head of English at an 11-18 comprehensive and later, Associate Assistant Headteacher.

 Since having my children, I have taken some time away from the classroom to support my family.  I have worked as a part-time English teacher in a local secondary school and more recently, taken on some freelance writing and proof-reading work for various educational publications.

 As a parent of three children who currently attend Shelford school, I was elected as a parent governor in November 2022.  I regularly volunteer at school and am also an active member of the PTA.

 I am keen to bring my knowledge of the education system to the Governing Board and hope to support the school in living out its vision.

Gwen Casazza 

Parent Governor

First appointed: Sept 2023

Current Tenure: 1.9.23 - 31.8.24

Committees: FPP

Subject Links: Art

I am the Project Director for the National Tutoring Programme at Tribal, an education consultancy. 

My background is in education strategy, policy, programme design and delivery, with experience leading large-scale, education and public sector initiatives.

I've worked on both sides of the Atlantic, including school improvement across 12 US states and UK local government transformation in Cambridgeshire County Council. I have a Master’s degree in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and recently completed a Master of Public Administration at UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. 

My son has attended Shelford Primary since 2017 when he started Reception. 

 Eleanor Witter
Foundation Governor

First appointed: July 2023

Current Tenure: July 2023- July 2027

Committees: FPP

Subject Links: DT

Specific responsibilities: School Council and PTA Link


I am retired and have lived in Great Shelford for 4 years, becoming a regular attender at St Mary’s Church.

I studied Electrical Engineering at Nottingham University. After a few years in industry and then teaching in a secondary modern school I spent 14 years teaching mainly physics to A level in a girls’ grammar school. On moving to Cambridge I was lucky to be introduced to UCLES, later Cambridge Assessment where I worked part time on GCSE science syllabi and examination papers in an administrative capacity until my retirement.

I have been volunteering in an RVS coffee shop at Addenbrooke’s Hospital for 35 years. I put my education background to good use teaching new beekeepers both through lecturing and practically. I have a great interest in music, playing trumpet with two Concert Bands one of which entails trips all over the country in my camper van. Other interests are needle crafts, walking and gardening. Currently I am President of The Shelfords WI.

Foundation Governor vacancy from November 2023

Former Governors of the Past 12 Months:

 Summaries correct at time of Governance




Frances Dye 

Parent Governor

First appointed: 2019

Tenure: 1.9.19 - 31.8.23


I am an HR professional with an MSc in HR management and Business, and am a member of the CIPD.  I have over 12 years experience working with schools; providing advice and guidance to Leadership teams and Governing Bodies.  I now feel very proud to work in the HR team at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.

I have direct experience of working in a primary school, having spent time setting up administration, payroll, HR and finance systems.   

I have been a member of the Rainbow preschool committee, the school PTA, and I now regularly volunteer in my children’s classrooms- helping with various classroom activities.   




Ian Sanders
Foundation Governor

First appointed: July 2023

Tenure: July 2023 - 8.11.23

Committees: FPP

Subject Links: Science, PE


am a retired secondary school chemistry teacher. During my career I held a variety of posts including housemaster, head of department and NQT induction coordinator to name but a few.
I also have a team sport background having played first class cricket for Cambridge University and Minor County cricket for Dorset, as well as playing hockey for the west of England and various hockey clubs. I have coached these sports to enthusiastic participants as well as to a high standard, including coaching hockey teams at national schools finals . My current sporting interest is golf which I play to a single figure handicap.
I bought a house in Great Shelford and moved to the area in 2022. I attend All Saints Little Shelford, where I run the Men's Events, and have become a foundation governor at the start of the academic year 2023-24.



 If you would like to support the school, please contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors (c/o the school) to discuss how you can work alongside us.
 2023-24 Documents
2022-2023 Documents
2021-2022 Documents
Recent minutes from Full Governing Board Meetings:
After minutes from the previous meeting are approved, they are published here.