As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

Year 3

Teaching Team:
Mondays and Tuesdays: Mrs Terry, Miss K
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: Mrs Bane, Miss K
PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday.

Welcome back to Autumn Term 1

Welcome to Year 3! This half term our topic is ‘What Occurred in 1066?’. We will be learning about the Battle of Hastings, exploring the features of castles and designing our own castles. We are also looking forward to leading the Harvest Festival service on Wednesday 9th October.

Home Challenges Autumn 1

These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 21st October.

  • In history we are looking at the features of a castle. Create a labelled diagram of a castle, thinking about its defences in particular.
  • In science we are exploring nutrition and different food groups. Design a healthy, balanced meal and label the different food groups.