As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

Year 3

Teaching Team:
Mondays, Tuesdays: Mrs Terry, Mrs Scott,
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: Mrs Bane, Mrs Scott

Welcome back to Summer Term 1

This half term our topic is The History of our Victorian School. We will be looking at the origins of our school, studying historical photos and finding out about the Victorian artist William Morris. We will also be taking part in our own Victorian themed day towards the end of half term.

Home Challenges Summer 1

These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 20th May.

  •        What was life like in Victorian times? Research an area of Victorian life e.g. schools, Queen Victoria or transport and present your findings. This could be through some artwork, an information text or a poster.
  •        In science we are looking at living things and their habitats. Choose a habitat, such as a rainforest or pond, and describe some of the animals that are adapted to live there. You could write a report or draw a labelled diagram.
Welcome back to Spring 2
 This half term our topic is Stone Age, Bronze and Iron Age. We will be stepping back in time and writing our own time travel stories based on Stone Age Boy. In science we will also be looking at how rocks and fossils are formed and enjoying Forest School on Thursday mornings.

Home Challenges Spring 2

These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 25th March.

  • Make a collage, sketch or painting of a famous rock formation or volcano.
  • Imagine that you live during the Stone Age. Write a diary entry describing the different sorts of activities you might do e.g. hunting and collecting fire wood. What sorts of animals might you see?
  • In science we are looking at rocks and their properties. Design a poster to explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are formed and describe their different properties.
Welcome back to Spring Term 1
This half term our topic is Mighty Mountains. We will have a focus on physical geography and also be thinking about why Cambridge is flat. We will be writing mountain climbing instructions, mountain rescue adventure stories and recreating some artwork inspired by mountains.

Home Challenges Spring 1

These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 12th February.

  • Choose a particular mountain to research and share your findings with the class. You could find out about its location, height and other interesting facts. Your findings could include illustrations as well as text.
  • Imagine that you are a mountain climber. Write your own diary entry about your expedition.
  • In science we are looking at magnets. Create a poster to explain the different uses of magnets. You could research which materials are magnetic and which are not.
Welcome back to Autumn Term 2
Our topic work this term will have a geographical focus looking at the city of Inverness and comparing and contrasting with Great and Little Shelford. We will be designing our own tartan, making clay Loch Ness Monsters and finding out about local wildlife,  land use and tourism in the highlands.
Home Challenges Autumn 2
These are optional and should be brought into school during the week commencing 11th December.
  • research the local wildlife in the Highlands. Find out about Scottish wildcats, red squirrels, pine martens or a golden eagle.
  • in RE we are looking at the story of Noah's Ark. Could you illustrate part of the story or build an ark from a construction set at home and take a photo.
  • in Science we are looking at sound. Could you investigate how sound is made in a particular instrument and draw a labelled diagram or make your own instrument- maybe an elastic band guitar or a shaker or a drum.
Home Learning Challenges Autumn 1
  • Can you find out some facts about a castle in the UK? It might be one you have visited or one that interests you. Could you include a drawing, model or painting?
  • Can you design a balanced, healthy meal, making sure it includes fruit and vegetables? Could you label the different foods and the groups they belong to e.g. protein, dairy and carbohydrates?
Please bring in week commencing 16th October.