As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

Rennovations and Improvements

Since Summer 2018, a number of improvements have taken place to improve the internal and external physical environment. 
You will find a summary here:
Summer 2020:
Various works to the school site:
  • Y2 drawer renovation;
  • Re-siting of basketball hoop socket;
  • School Church Garden renovation;
  • Playground resurfacing;
  • New doors to Y2, Y6, library and kitchen.
Spring 2020
Hall Door and Wall Project
Hannah Hutchings, visiting artist, spent a day getting to know the school's vision in action. She explored the priorities of the school and spoke with pupils about school life. This included exploring the grounds. Pupils and staff fed back on the design ideas to create a bespoke piece of artwork at the front of our hall - the backdrop for all our Collective Worship sessions. 
The trees ascend in height to signify the growth of pupils through the school. You will also note the 6 house mascots amongst the trees. In addition, you will spot the branches intertwining to create a star - the Shelford Star. On each of the doors, you will notice that the scripture passages that underpin our vision are written as the background. 
Vision Artwork
During Spring 2020, pupils from Y4, Y5 and Y6 worked with visiting artist, Sandie Sutton. The school gathered unwanted plastic items that would otherwise have gone to landfill. These were used to create unique letters to spell out lines of our vision. These are located in three areas of our school:
  • Live and work in harmony, a love for one another - this is within our lobby to welcome everyone to our school;
  • Achieve our potential - located along from our weekly records of Celebration Worship.
  • A community of life-long learners - opposite our International Schools Award display, that 
Autumn 2019
Y5 Refurbishment
Y5 refurbishment took place during Autumn 2019. It included some of the time pupils were on a residential visit - so they were delighted to see the big reveal! The room has not only been refurbished with newly decorated walls, but new furniture. The new furniture allows pupils to work in a variety of seating positions that allow greater movement throughout the day. This promotes pupils' physical health and wellbeing. 
Summer 2019
Y4 Refurbishment
During the summer holidays, Y4 underwent a significant transformation, thanks to the incredible parent volunteers. This included removing fixed cupboards / furniture to create more space, painting and designing new zones for learning. New furniture and resources completed the space, including the new approach to displays, where colour is used carefully to attract attention to relevant items. 
Y1 Refurbishment
During the summer holidays, Y1 was transformed! Thanks to a fantastic team of volunteers, the room was painted, the parquet flooring revealed and smart window films added. Further to this, additional storage - both freestanding and fixed completed the room!