As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.


We are pleased to offer a wide variety of extra curricular clubs and activities at Shelford School. Please contact the school office should you require further details about any of the clubs shown below on our extra-curricular timetable.

All Clubs begin during the first full week of September each year. Please note that clubs are enrichment opportunities and are not offered for every week of the school year. They should not be viewed or depended upon as a childcare facility as, in some cases, they may be cancelled at short notice due to bad weather or due to the ill health of the leader.  Please contact the School Breakfast Club which runs between 8.00 – 8.45am and the Wacky After School Club which runs between 3.30 and 6.00pm for regular childcare provision around the school day.

You can book onto Premier Sports after school clubs here. NB - all clubs are listed as 'Multisports'

Tuesdays - Tournaments - Y5&6 - Free - practising a variety of sports in preparation for tournaments and competitions where pupils can represent the school.
Thursdays  - KS1 Multisports - 5-7y - paid - a variety of sports and skills. 
Fridays - KS2 Multisports - KS2 - paid - a variety of sports and skills.