As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

The Curriculum at Shelford - Overview

At Great and Little Shelford Primary School, we believe that learning is a life-long process, which extends beyond the school gates. We also believe that learning is a priority for all members of our community. Meanwhile, we see learning as development in all areas - well beyond academic attainment, progress and achievement. We believe primary education should be an exciting adventure that is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.

Our curriculum is the main outworking of our vision: 

We live and work in harmony

with love for one another,

so that we can achieve our potential

within a community of life-long learners.

We redesigned our curriculum in 2020 and continue to regularly reflect on its impact, reviewing and refining it to provide the very best for our learners. Our curriculum is based on 6 carefully-crafted threads that run through our curriculum topics each half term. These were decided based on the specifics of our school community: our vision; our context and the needs of our community. 

Each of our threads joins the half-termly or termly topics for each class. For example, in Autumn 1, our thread is Identity. Pupils in Reception focus on their 'Marvellous Me' topic, whilst pupils in Year 6 look at identity through the lens of evolution and inheritance as they explore 'Why HMS Beagle went where it went'. 

We ensure that the curriculum is fully-accessible for all pupils in-line with both the Equality Act and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Looking at our curriculum threads, many of theses themes are covered explicitly in our Topic Thread Definitions document, that you can view here

For further information on how we make reasonable adaptations with respect to pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability, please see our SEND page

For further information on Equality and Diversity at Great and Little Shelford, please see our Equality and Diversity page. This includes our statement on Equality and Diversity, our Equality Objectives and a link to our Equalities Policy. 

What are the threads?
We have one theme each half term that ties all of our topics together. These threads were decided based on specific information about our school. The PDF below defines each thread and how these tie the school's curriculum together. 


Our Story So Far

Our Environment: Local and Global

Community – Empathy

Growth and Changes


What are the Neurons?
In our curriculum, we call the links between prior and future learning, the Neurons. We know our curriculum is carefully crafted, sequential and progressive in knowledge, skills and objectives. In mapping the Neurons, we are able to see the pertinent links and those incidental links. 
The Miro Board below is an example of our Topic Neurons. Solid lines show the pertinent links and the dotted lines are the incidental links. 
Learning Statement
At Shelford, our staff regularly review our 'Learning Statement' this document sets out what our teachers believe makes excellent learning. 
You can view the most recent version below:
Cultural Capital Offer
The document below details our 'Cultural Capital Offer' curriculum opportunities that all our children experience as they move through the school.
Please see our class pages for the latest information about what is happening across the school!