
Modern Foreign Languages

The whole experience of MFL is in line with our vision. In particular, this is evident in how pupils work collaboratively both in the classroom and in correspondence to pen pals; pupils achieve their potential as evidenced in results and staff continue their own learning by adapting teaching in line with recent teaching and learning research.  

The Big Ideas in MFL are:

Phonics – Pupils will spend time learning the phonological sounds of the French language and how pronunciation differs from English.

Grammar – Pupils will learn basic grammatical concepts relating to the French language, including gender, articles and plurals.

Vocabulary – Pupils will build year on year on their vocabulary, learning commonly used French words and phrases.

Cultural capital  - Pupils will learn about the culture of various French speaking countries. Life in modern day France, including festivals and customs and will consider similarities and differences to their own cultural experiences.

Songs, stories and rhymes – Pupils will engage with a variety of simple songs, stories and rhymes to improve their reading, writing and listening skills in appealing and age relevant ways.

French Breakfast 2022
On Thursday 14th July, Year 6 hosted a very special French Breakfast for the rest of the school to enjoy. From designing posters and writing menus to serving food and dressing in traditional French costume on the day, Year 6 had clearly been very enthusiastic about this project.
Merci beaucoup pour un delicieux petit dejeuner!
Thanks also to Mrs Weston and Mrs Alderson for preparing for this event with the class and to the Year 6 parents for their organisation and support on the day.
It was enjoyed by all ... and the crepes were particularly yummy!
World Changers Award - Languages
In December 2020, we were delighted to learn that we were recognised as runners-up for a Pearson World Changers Award under the category of languages. You can read about all the award winners and runners up here. Our school is featured on page 8. 
We were very pleased to have been congratulated by Cambridgeshire County Council for the achievement of this award and for our ambitious international curriculum. You can read more here.
At Great and Little Shelford School, French is taught on a weekly basis throughout KS2. Children follow a curriculum designed by Rachel Hawkes, Director of International Education and Research for Comberton Academy Trust. Please see links below for curriculum coverage in each year group.
In KS1 and the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are also exposed to elements of the French culture through our international curriculum and learn simple songs and games to develop an interest in the French language. Launching in Spring 2019, La Jolie Ronde will host a KS1 French Club in school for those who wish to explore the language further.

‘Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.’ (DFE Languages Programme of Study for KS2 2013) 

Please click below to read our MFL Policy in more detail.


Bonjour, Pen Pal! 2022
This year, we have commenced a new partnership with CIPEC International School in France. We were delighted to be asked to do this since two of our former pupils, George and Molly Wheeler, have now moved to France and attend school at CIPEC. 
Shelford pupils made fantastic 'Happy New Year' / 'Bonne Année' cards and were excited to receive replies from their new pen pals! 
Below are some photos of pupils from both schools enjoying opening their special mail! 
21.5.21 - Year 3 enjoyed a day "merveilleux" this week! Please see their class page here for more information! 
Bonjour, Pen Pal 2021
After having sent Christmas cards to their French pen pals in December, Year 3 were thrilled to each receive 'Happy New Year' cards in return! 
Now they look forward to writing their replies once again! 
Have a look through the slides below to discover some great websites offering you lots of French language practise and find out more about French culture too! Simply click on the images to be taken to the websites.
MFL Learning Walk - Tuesday 26th November 2019
I recently welcomed Mr Hallebro (Governor) into school to see what MFL looks like at Shelford. We very much enjoyed observing some lessons, looking at some wonderful work in books and on display, and spent some time talking to teaching staff. Our favourite task of the day, however, was interviewing some children from across the school. This session was lively, with almost all pupils eager and confident to contribute to the discussion. Here's what they had to say about French in school:
"I liked being able to use my French skills on holiday to make a new friend who is now my pen pal."
"We really like writing to our pen pals and as we write more to each another, we get more confident and can express ourselves better."
"I'm glad I can speak a bit of French, because if a child who didn’t speak English well but did speak French joined the school, I'd be able to make them feel happier by speaking to them."
One younger pupil proudly told us that he used to know no French at all, but he now knows 12 French words and one Spanish word! Wow - that's brilliant because we only start formal French lessons in KS2! We have Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Crawford to thank for their fantastic French input in the Reception and Year 1 classes, which is always so well received by the children and enthuses them to want to learn more!
Other pupils mentioned asking their parents to teach them some basic words and then using them in school. One pupil said "I didn’t think I knew much French, but when I watched a video in French, I realised I could understand it."
Pupils also talked about how by learning French songs, this helped them to develop more confidence in French speaking and writing by expanding their vocabulary. Specifically, the year 6 pupils recognised their own significant progress since "hardly knowing anything at the start of Year 3" up to now being able to say proper sentences, write letters, and understand spoken French much more confidently.
Pupils commented that the addition of real French story books in their class reading areas has been very popular. They also said that they were really pleased with the extra French dictionaries the school purchased last year and that they like to access them to help them find words for things they like, as well as helping them to read the French story books. 
One pupil also spoke very positively of the French Club, which runs after school on Tuesdays for KS2 and Wednesdays for KS1 (https://www.lajolieronde.co.uk/). Pupils spoke excitedly about this year’s French Breakfast as well as welcoming our French visitors again in July. 
The children suggested that to help them with their learning, they would benefit from more opportunities to watch TV shows in French – not French as a second language, but children’s programmes in French. One pupil mentioned that fun videos made him want to learn more so he could follow them. Another suggested teaching or devising games involving French language and proposed that this could be a good topic for a future exchange with a pen pal.
Thank you to everyone for making us feel so welcome, and to Mr Hallebro for spending some time with us to celebrate our language learning in school.
Mrs Unwin
14/5/19 French Club
We are delighted to announce that due to the success and popularity of our KS1 French Club, delivered by La Jolie Ronde, we will be introducing a second club for KS2 from September 2019. Places are limited and will be given on a first come, first served basis and with priority given to those already enrolled.
Please feel free to register your interest for either the KS1 (Wednesdays) or KS2 (Tuesdays) clubs. For more information about the provision, please visit https://www.lajolieronde.co.uk 
14/5/19 French Learning Around the School
This year, children across KS2 have been incredibly busy learning about a range of topics in their French lessons. These include animals, colours, celebrations, food and drink, favourite sports and even the work of famous French artists! Year 6 are very much looking forward to soon beginning to plan the highly anticipated French Breakfast event.
Some of the children shared their thoughts about learning French at Shelford school:
" I love learning French because my teacher is fun and very enthusiastic!" Y6 pupil
" It's good to learn another language - it makes you a better person for the world." Y4 pupil
"When you're on holiday in France you have the ability to make friends." Y5 pupil
"I like the speaking activities best because you practise pronunciation." Y6 pupil
"My favourite song in French is Frère Jacques!" YR pupil
"The best thing is writing to our Pen Pals. It's nice that they're handwritten. It’s more personal and special because it’s handmade.” Y4 pupil
"A French Club for KS2 would be really good because I'd like to do more French!" Y3 pupil
French Learning Around the School: March 2018
This year the children have been busy learning about a range of topics in French, including the weather, foreign holidays, clothing and colours. Y6 even set up their own cafe role play situations in preparation for our popular annual French Breakfast event in the summer term.
Some of the children shared their thoughts about learning French at Shelford school. 
" I love learning French because it's fun and you get to do interesting and exciting activities like drama!"
Y6 pupil
" My favourite lesson was learning about the story of 'Monsieur Bonhomme de Neige' - It was so funny!"
Y3 pupil
"It's important to learn French so you can speak to people abroad whilst on holiday - I made friends with children at Kids Club in France because I spoke French to them." Y4 pupil
"Learning French also helps me learn other subjects e.g. It's really helpful for English grammar!" Y6 pupil
" I can count to 20 in French!!" YR pupil
Take a look below at some of their work.
French Pen Pals
We are very pleased that over the last few years we have set up a pen pal exchange which is now running from Year 3 to Year 5. In 2019, the entire KS2 will be involved in the programme. The children have had great fun writing and receiving letters and cards from their exchange partners at 'Ecole Primaire Jules Ferry' in Verneuil En Halatte, France. 
We are looking forward to meeting some of the children when they visit Shelford as part of the Shelford Twinning Project later this year.