As of 01/04/23, Rainbow Preschool is under the leadership of Great and Little Shelford CE (A) Primary School. Existing policies for each respective establishment remain in place.

SSSF Donations

Designed to support children of the school, the Shelford School Support Fund (SSSF) is a charitable fund held and administered by the Governing Board.  It is separate from school finances and from the PTA.  Over the years, many pupils have been supported through this, both individuals and groups.  Sometimes we have been able to pay for refurbishments to parts of the school that improve the learning environment, other times we have been able to finance individual pupils' access to key educational experiences like trips or visits which they otherwise wouldn't have been able to attend.  We have also purchased gifts to thank volunteers who have made significant contributions to the life and learning of the pupils at Shelford School.

 We are always very pleased to receive donations to enable us to continue enriching learning and supporting inclusion for all pupils.  Contributions can be made by bank transfer or cheque.  

Please make cheques payable to ‘Shelford School’ and forward them to: The Treasurer, SSSF, c/o the school office. 

 Direct payments should go to account 00811386, sort code 20-17-19. 

Then please contact the treasurer, Polly Stanton (, so that she can ensure that your gift is recorded.  If you are able to gift aid your donation, please complete the gift aid declaration at the bottom of the page and forward it to the treasurer c/o the school office.

A gallery of some of the projects supported by the Shelford School Support Fund:
  • room refurbishments;
  • Arts Day projects;
  • sensory resources, including resourcing the Sensory Room;
  • providing financial support for additional therapy in school;
  • financial support for attending school visits.